Name: Chip
Location: Bradley
★★★★★ 5

Comment: If you want it done right and have someone stand by their work, go with these guys. I had them build a 10x10 Pivilion for me and pour a pad. Nice work, no issues, and priced with my budget.

Name: Robin
Location: Kankakee County
★★★★★ 5

Comment: Beware, I have the same house as my sister, and she lives about a 1/4 from me. Both houses were built the same year, same construction company back in 90's. Our roofs were both needing to be replaced. I went with these guys because I didn't like the others. My sister didn't go with Virginia's because she was got a 'proposal' for about $3,000 less from another company. I too had a 'proposal' for the lesser amount; however, I liked these guys better. When it was all done, my sister spent $500 more than me because that company charged for extras they claim weren't in the 'proposal'. In other words, I guess there's lots of company's giving 'lower estimates' and then charging more than what they said like my sister discovered. Troy, from Virginia's, told me he's heard of a lot of guys doing that. He said, cheap isn't always better; I'm happy with what these guys did, and I like the looks of my roof. My sister has also had several shingles blow off to deal with.

Name: Tom
Location: Bradley
★★★★★ 5

Comment: What I liked was they wouldn't just ******(redacted) rig it like I asked them to. Troy flat out told me that they don't do that type of work. He said there's a lot of guys out there that will take your money, but they're not going to be around or warrant it etc. I was just trying to save money is all. However, as cost keep going up, I'm sure it won't be any cheaper next year. I was surprised by the number of roofs Troy told me he walks away from because they don't do half-a** (redacted) work. I know one in particular they walked away from, and I see they have *** Roofing (redacted) doing it. It just makes you wonder is all. If I'm going to pay someone then I want the best, if you have cancer wouldn't you want the best surgeon? and not someone that is cheap and just takes your money? Get the best and have it done right is all I can say, and these guys did just that. Thanks guys, oh and PS> I'm a Packers Fan and we still got your number there 'Steve dah Bears' fan worker.

Name: Austin
Location: Bourbonnais
★★★★ 4

Comment: No issues. There was more damage once they tore off the roof than they thought. Thank God they worked with the insurance and got an adjustment. My Agent said that a lot of guys would just not have fixed it like these guys did. I got a roof now that will last the rest of my life. My sister needs a root put on her garage; I'm going to recommend these guys.

Name: JP
Location: Bradley
★★★★★ 5

Comment: I like that these guys are all professional and they are locally owned, and Veteran owned too. They know what they are doing, and they were reasonable.

Name: Rapolinski P.
Location: Bradley
★★★★★ 5

Comment: Need my deck repaired and these guys did a great job. I'm going to have them replace some windows for me later this summer.

Name: Randy M.
Location: Aroma Park
★★★★★ 5

Comment: I had a fire and my insurance company recommended them. Great job, no issues. Thank goodness I used these guys because I was going to use someone else before my agent told me to call these guys. If I would have used who I was going to use, it wouldn't have been insurable because the other contractor wasn't licensed and bonded. Thanks, hope this helps with anyone thinking about getting work done.

Name: Eugene
Location: Kankakee County
★★★★★ 5

Comment: Putting a roof on is expensive and if you're spending that kind of money on a roof you don't want someone that isn't licensed and bonded. Beware there are too many 'shady' contractors out there and you'll get what you pay for. For me, I went with these guys, and it's been a few months and I'm so glad I did. Never just hire someone because they gave you the lowest price. These guys are competitively priced and don't do shady work. I recommend them 100%.

Name: Merkle-Delo
Location: Kankakee County
★★★★★ 5

Comment: My mother lives in our old home and I'm states away and since my dad past she really doesn't have anyone to help her out. Eventually, she'll need to move to an assisted living facility, but until then she likes her independent life with her little dog. She's active in her Church and was getting some 'supposedly good Christians' to help her. I suspected she was possibly being taken advantage of, so I had these guys come check on a few things and I was glad I did. They took care of all her issues and charged me less than what those 'supposed Christians' wanted. Also, when talking with the owner, he was very understanding and even offered to stop by and check on mom if I ever had any worries. I thought that was nice to know. It's nice that there are still honest people helping others out of the kindness of their heart.

Name: 'Smokey' - Bill
Location: Kankakee
★★★★★ 5

Comment: I have a couple of rental properties and needed some work done to pass my rental license inspection. I heard about these guys, and they fixed me up and they even handled getting my rental license. It saved me a lot of time and money, thanks guys.

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